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Montacute School

Montacute School

‘Where every moment is a learning opportunity’

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Year 7 Catch Up Premium

Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium

The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support Year 7 pupils who did not achieve at least Level 4 in reading and/or maths at the end of Key Stage 2.  

All Montacute Year 7 pupils attract a ‘catch up’ payment as they have not achieved age related norms at the end of Key Stage 2.  The funding is used to meet the individual learning needs of these pupils.  Each pupil’s attainment and progress is analysed for each aspect of literacy and numeracy.  Pupils have targets in literacy and numeracy and the funding supports them to achieve these targets.  This includes enhanced staffing and resources as well as dedicated speech and language support.  Communication is an overarching skill which is supported throughout the school environment.  Literacy and numeracy is taught across the curriculum enabling pupils to make the highest possible individual progress.  


In the academic year 2017/18 there were 4 pupils who attract this funding.
