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Montacute School

‘Where every moment is a learning opportunity’

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Attendance / Absence / Late Procedures

Montacute School Attendance Information


Montacute School : Attendance Management Protocol


The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full time education suitable to their age, aptitude and any special educational needs they may have.                                                                                                                                           

It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child receives that education either by attendance at a school or by education otherwise than at a school.


Where parents decide to have their child registered at school, they have an additional legal duty to ensure their child attends that school regularly. This means their child must attend every day that the school is open, except in a small number of allowable circumstances such as being too ill to attend or being given permission for an absence in advance from the school.


If pupils are to reach their full potential they need to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Regular, uninterrupted school attendance is a key factor in helping pupils reach their potential. Every effort should always be made to avoid disruption to a pupil’s education.


If your child misses school without a good reason, local councils and schools can intervene and you may be issued a fine. A new national framework has been introduced which means all councils have the same rules in place.


School Attendance Monitoring


All schools have a continuing responsibility to proactively manage and improve attendance across their school community.


Schools must adhere to the recording & reporting processes as set out in the 'Working together to improve school attendance' Department of Education Document published 29 February 2024 applicable from 19 August 2024.


The law requires all schools to have an admission register and an attendance register.


Where there are concerns over attendance – whether the absences are consecutive or there are ‘broken weeks’ - school will request a meeting with parents/carers.


When agreed attendance levels fall below expected levels, school may make a referral to the BCP School Attendance Worker. The Education Welfare Service work with parents/carers to address their child/s attendance difficulties. If, after planned work, unauthorised absences are still a concern, the Local Authority has a duty to consider legal action which may result in prosecution or the issuing of fines. 


Impact of need on attendance

We understand, particularly in a school such as ours, that illnesses and hospital appointments are sometimes unavoidable and can have a huge impact on a pupil’s attendance capabilities. It is important, when these circumstances arise, that parents/carers maintain good communication with the school in order that we can support and advise them in the best way possible.


We also understand that some pupils who have complex medical needs may need a shorter day or a shorter week. School will only agree such modifications to their timetable if they are supported with a doctor’s letter. The school reserves the right to request a new letter every 2 years, or if a child’s medical status improves.


Some pupils who have severe sensory needs which affect their ability to participate effectively in a whole school day – for example those who struggle with ‘transitions’ or change may benefit from a modified start or finish time. However, this must be by mutual agreement between home and school, and it must be something that is reviewed on a regular basis. In this way school hopes to optimise learning through recognising individual needs. The school will ensure that the Schools Attendance Worker is aware of ‘bespoke’ arrangements.


Lateness after the Register has Closed

Our daily school registration closes at 9.30am. Any arrivals after this time will be recorded as ‘Unauthorised Lates’. More than 5 late arrivals within 6 weeks (these do not need to be consecutive) may result in a request to attend an attendance meeting.


Absence from School

If a pupil is unwell, parents/carers should ring the school before 8.00am. 

If you do not contact us we will ring or text you during the morning to find out why your child is not in school. We may need to record the absence as unauthorised if the reason is not considered acceptable.

A Medial Appointment Request leave of absence request form should be completed if your child needs to attend an appointment in school times. As much notice as possible, with supporting documentation is required.


Request for leave of absence in term time due to exceptional circumstances

Following amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006, which came into effect on the 1st September 2013, schools are only allowed to grant leave of absence from school in exceptional circumstances.


What amounts to exceptional Circumstances is to be decided by the Head Teacher.

Generally, The Department of Education does not consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance.


Leave of absence request forms are available from the school office.


Parents/carers will be notified of the Head Teacher’s decision at the earliest opportunity.

If the circumstances are not considered to be exceptional then parents/carers will be informed of this.


If a parent/carer takes their child out of school without permission the absence will be recorded as an unauthorised leave of absence, which may result in a request being made to the Local Education Authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.


It is important for parents/carers to note that once school have requested that the Local Authority issue a Fixed Penalty Notice for a period of unauthorised leave in term time, you will not have an opportunity to discuss this matter further with the Local Authority. Any queries or discussions should be had prior to, or at the time of requesting the leave.

Parents/carers are advised not to make any arrangements until their request has been considered.


Supporting Documents

Montacute Attendance Policy

Our full attendance policy can be found on this website under the Key Information tab.

Montacute School : School Attendance Monitoring Process





Daily am

& pm

Class Teachers

 Complete registration ensuring reasons are given for

 all absences.

 Make Attendance Officer/DSL aware of any   attendance concerns.

WeeklyAttendance Officer/DSLReview attendance data

End of Term

Attendance Officer/DSL

 Look at all Pupil Attendance Records

Beginning of Next Term

Attendance Officer/DSL

 Discuss information with the Designated Senior Leader   responsible for attendance



 Report to Governors

Agreed attendance less than 90%


Our attendance auditing processes will review:

Any recorded attendance of less than 95%

Any absence equating to 10 sessions in a 10 week period


Look at supporting evidence and consider:

  • authorised v unauthorised
  • lateness
  • known illnesses
  • known issues
  • known medical appointments
  • holidays
  • patterns


Assess pupil progress information

Discuss with class teacher

Consider any therapy (other) interventions

If appropriate telephone and discuss with parents/carers and/or invite to attendance meeting

Mark for ongoing monitoring

Consider referral to link School Attendance Worker


Child Missing Education: 

Pupil absent for 10 days or more with no explanation or contact


Pupil fails to return to school at the start of term or after a planned holiday

with no explanation or contact


Follow Child Missing Education (CME) process as agreed with Local Authority


Attempt to contact Family and any other known contacts
