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Montacute School

Montacute School

‘Where every moment is a learning opportunity’

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Ginny Bellard

Head Teacher

Welcome to our Governor information page. You will see that our Governing Body is varied in its experience which we believe brings strength and rigour to our work.


I have been in the field of Special Education for over 20 years. This is my third headship of a special school and I am thrilled to be working with such a capable and inspiring team here at Montacute. 


My ambition for each and every child that attends our school is one of opportunity, equity and enrichment and we continue to build upon the curriculum and social experiences that we have developed over recent years to ensure this. 


I am proud to serve the families and our Governors, all of whom are keen to know everything there is to know about our young people and the things they need to reach their full potential.


Together, the Montacute team grows in strength and effectiveness and the Governors and I look forward to working closely with you in exciting times ahead.

Steve Butterworth


Community Governor

Chair of Governors

Resources & Standards Committee


Steve is married with three grown up children and is retired after spending the majority of his career as a manager in IT within financial services, initially at JP Morgan and latterly at Lloyds Banking Group.

Steve became a governor at Montacute in 1997, after his son, Nicholas, had been a pupil at the school for about a year. During his time as a governor Steve has performed a variety of roles including Chair of the Finance Committee, Chair of the Resources Committee and is currently Chair of Governors.

Having seen how Nicholas enjoyed his 15 years at Montacute and develop as a person, Steve is keen that the school continues to offer special children the very best start in life.

Avril Jackson



Vice Chair of Governors 

Parent Governor

Standards Committee


I am married to Simon Miller and living in Ferndown with our daughters, Vicki and Paige.  I was born in Timperley, Cheshire in 1957.

I trained to teach children with special needs, qualifying in 1978, specialising in children with PMLD.  I have provided respite care to over 40 children with profound disabilities, and continue to do so.

My association with Montacute School began in 1989 when Simon and I moved to Dorset and I started supply teaching.  When I became a parent, two of my children attended Montacute School. Simon was a Parent Governor at Montacute about 15 years ago.  For 10 years I was involved in the Acorn Summer Playscheme.

Paige and Vicki attend a day centre and this is my free time.  I love the garden and walking.  I have several little friends, all with very special needs, for regular respite  I enjoy ebay, selling for us, friends and some organisations.  I particularly like buying selling and loaning disabled equipment.  I can sew, so I make and adapt special clothing.  I sit down with the Telegraph crossword and do my best.

When I asked Simon about my strengths, he said tenacity, follow through and a good organiser.  My weakness apparently is that I don't know when to stop.  I don't understand that, as I've too much to do.


Bev Gowman


Community Governor 

Chair of Standards Committee


Hello, my name is Bev Gowman, I am a Nanny of two, have a niece who attend Montacute School and have lived in Bournemouth all my life .  I work in the FE sector for a Specialist Post 16 Independent College in Dorset.  I am passionate about ensuring that every young person reaches their full potential and has opportunities fulfil their dreams.  I am a lead Safeguarding Officer and am qualified in Person Centred Training.  

Carolyn Best

Community Governor 

Standards Committee


I am married with two adult children and three grandchildren. One of my grandchildren has a chromosome disorder with additional educational needs.

I retired as a nurse in 2019 after spending 35years in the NHS. During my last 18 years of service, I specialised in clinical nutrition in adults and teenagers including insertion of central lines, PEGs, gastrostomy and jejunal feeding tubes. I was responsible for setting up a Trustwide nursing clinical nutrition service, developing standards for patient care, providing education for healthcare professionals and ensuring clinical nutrition standards were embedded in the care provided to patients in hospital and in their own environment.

Coming into the role of Governor I hope to be able use the skills I have developed during my time in the NHS to help support staff at Montacute to provide high standards of education tailored to each child’s needs.

Anthony Flower

Parent Governor

Standards Committee


My name is Anthony and I am one of the parent governors for Montacute. My son, George, has been in attendance at the school since 2016 and I became a governor at the end of 2021.


My background is in IT, initially in the finance sector and, more recently, working with small businesses locally on their online systems. I have a degree in Business Management, a diploma and Business and IT and various other industry certifications and qualifications.


I am married, we have three children and have always lived, and worked, in the local area. Outside of work I enjoy reading and am a keen amateur photographer.


My hope as governor is to bring in parental perspective and help the school to continue to thrive at what they do. I look forward to working with the teachers, staff and parents, and if you do want to speak to me I am at the school doors every day with George, you can’t miss us.

Lisa Griffiths



Support Staff Governor

Standards Committee


Hello my name is Lisa Griffiths. I am married to Mark and we have two teenage children, Megan and Dylan.  

I am originally from the Potteries in Stoke-on-Trent. I worked for the local council in the Rehabilitation Team and I volunteered at a local special school on my days off. I found working within the school so rewarding, I was offered a full time position in the PMLD class. Shortly after this, my husband was offered a job on the south coast, and in 2015 he moved down to Poole before us and we followed when the school year ended. 

I started work at Montacute in the September of that year and never looked back.

I enjoy every minute working with our special young people. I became a staff governor in September 2022, so I am very new to the role.

Tracey Smith


Support Staff Governor

Resources Committee


Hello, my name is Tracey Smith and I have been working at Montacute School since September 2010. I originally started as a TA, working in the classroom, and am now the Partnership Co-ordinator and Safeguarding & Wellbeing Lead.  I work closely with our staff and pupils to ensure that we provide a safe environment for all to experience fun, learning & friendship.


I work closely with our families to support them both with their relationship with the school and with their links to other professional services.

Emma Dunn

Emma Dunn







Parent Governor

Standards Committee


Hello, I am Emma Dunn and I am a Parent Governor for Montacute School.


I have two special needs children, one now 19, and Henry who attends Montacute school. 


I hold a Level 3 Teacher Assistant qualification, a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties, a Level 2 qualification in Caring for Children and Young People, a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health and a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Autism.

I have also taken part in a lot of parent groups in poole over the years to understand my children better and be the best I can ( I never think you learn enough).

I am hopeful that in my role as governor, I will be able to support the school, parents, teachers and staff, from a parent’s perspective and calling upon my training and things I have learned from both my children.


Registered Office Address: Montacute School, 3 Canford Heath Road, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9NG  

Registered Office Telephone Number: 01202 693239

Registered Office Email:


Chair of Governors: Steve Butterworth 

Clerk to the Governors - Service provided by Your Clerk   

Please click on the linked document below to view further Governor Information.
