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Montacute School
‘Where every moment is a learning opportunity’
Hello Kimmeridge!
We have put some activities here for you to do at home! Our topic for Autumn 22 is The Environment and Recycling, so activities are based around this theme. The sessions for the next week would have been PE, Art, Music, Sensory cooking, circle time, sensory story and our Recycling project.
Below is a little overview of what you might like to look at:
Circle Time Songs
You may wish to listen to our circle time songs for this term, you can find these on you tube.
Recycling Sessions
We have been exploring what materials we recycle at school. Please have a look at what’s in your recycling bins at home and explore the different materials e.g. glass, plastic, paper, cans etc…. How do they feel? Can you sort them in to recycling groups?
Perhaps you can take photos of items you recycle at home or you can bring some into school to show everyone.
Recycling Project
We would like to start collecting some recycling items at school. Please can you send in any bottle tops, glass jars, cereal boxes, shoe boxes, newspapers and/or magazines that we can use for junk modelling.
In the meantime if you feel creative at home maybe try some junk modelling yourself, some ideas below:
We are looking at Boccia ball skills, so plenty of choice making, cause and effect, physical activity and FUN!
ART AT HOME Link to STOMP! video
Sensory Story
Our sensory this term is called “The Messy Magpie”. Please have a read through the story below or you can watch the story being read on YouTube.