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Montacute School
‘Where every moment is a learning opportunity’
Anti-Bullying Week 2022
At Montacute school we are celebrating Anti-Bullying week from 14th to 18th November 2022.
Anti-Bullying week is coordinated in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
The theme this year is 'Reach Out'.
The theme of Reach Out came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance which coordinates Anti-Bullying Week every year in England and Wales. Teachers and children wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.
Following the success of the campaign in 2021 – when 80% of schools marked the week, reaching over 7.5 million children and young people – Anti-Bullying Week will remind everyone whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, let’s reach out and show each other the support we need.
Anti-Bullying Week 2022 at Montacute School
Pupils across Montacute school will celebrate national Anti-Bullying week by exploring what kindness and friendship means to them and looks like in our school.
Pupils will take part in a range of activities to create posters and artwork; sharing in special moments with their peers and adults that support them throughout the week.
As a school we will be thinking about:
On Friday 18th November the whole school will celebrate their achievements in a 'Kindness and Friendship Assembly'.